Mobotix - Progressive-scan instead of half-frame blur
Megapixel recording by MOBOTIX cameras with 1536 image lines offers much sharper detail than CIF format, which only has 0.1 megapixels. But even with reduced VGA recording at 480 lines, MOBOTIX cameras still deliver better and more detailed images than other VGA cameras. This is a direct result of the precise MOBOTIX software scaling, which uses the full 1536 lines of the image sensor, and not by simply leaving out lines, which is how common CIF hardware works. Thanks to this ”progressive-scan“ image sensor, MOBOTIX cameras do not have interlace jitter common in 4CIF recordings which results in blurry display of moving objects. Therefore, although requiring less storage capacity, MOBOTIX VGA recordings provide much more detailed images than recordings in 4CIF format. It is not a big surprise, then, that the blurry 4CIF image format is rarely used in practice and only serves as an excuse for the traditional CCTV industry.
Original image from a MOBOTIX M22 megapixel camera compared to a standard CIF image

Megapixel sensor and image processing inside the camera with digital white balance generates sharp and true color images at every scale.