IP Technology Distribution

The Economics of Selling MxMSP & MxLINQ

The combination MOBOTIX with MxMSP/MxLINQ platform changes your economics significantly because you save money and time upfront, make more money in your sale, you can sell bigger projects at a higher closing ration, and will earn recurring revenue. Possibly for a decade after you sold.  

We Ensure your Expertise and Success

To get up to speed and use MxMSP and MxLINQ internally is easy, does not cost you much and is profitable right from the beginning. ABP Tech MOBOTIX partners that get certified get a FREE Integrator Partner package after undergoing our training. This subscription package includes 6 cameras, 6 Cloud storage channels, and Remote Management channels for 6 extra devices (2 PoE switches, 2 routers, and 2 generic Cloud objects) – all for 6 months which gets extended yearly with your MxMSP sales.

How do I Make Money?

MxLINQ & Cloud Storage

1). Almost all of your end users will benefit from and want MxLINQ & Cloud Storage
As an ABP Tech Partner, you make a 25% gross margin (30% after you attended our certification training).

The MSRP for MxLINQ and Cloud storage with 30-day Retention is $120 per year ($10/month) per camera.  Your customer needs no NAS, no hardware, and no license.

(MxLINQ includes free MxMSP for your own usage whenever you sell MxLINQ to your customer.)


service setup2). Most MOBOTIX partners sell their setup service as a one-time fee of $20-$50 per camera. Since there is no initial hardware or upfront license cost, partners have little push-back. All the service setup money goes to you. 

You can provide extra value to the end user when doing initial setup of heat-maps, people counting, tuning activity sensors, etc. Other future analytics that take more time should command higher charges and even be connected to a recurring monthly service charge. 


recurring income stream

3). Recurring Income. MxLINQ is a yearly recurring subscription (monthly optional for 25+ cameras) and automatically gives you a recurring income stream. You can add your own recurring support plan.




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