A Glimpse at the New Companion App for MOBOTIX Cameras : MxLINQ™ Ver. 1.0

You should have seen the faces of the guys on the floor when I sent them an iMessage with a screenshot of them from the plane on the way to Vegas an hour before landing.
MxLINQ™ was designed to "link" End-Users to their IP Technology products and get the most out their systems. In this case, MOBOTIX partners can now give their End-Users an account on MxLINQ™ to
see all their cameras in action.
Since ISC our app design has progressed a lot and we even added the ability for partners to brand the app so their customers are reminded of their integration partner that brings them the latest and linqs them to their IP Technology :)
Check it out and give it your personal touch by adding your own logo and colors.
MxLINQ™ willl be launched showing Alerts, My Cameras and My Projects with more features to come, so stay tuned for more on MxLINQ™ and IPTechLINQ™ solutions for ABP Technology Resellers.
If you are a Reseller or Integrator and want to try this for yourself, call ABP to sign up to become certified in MxMSP™. If you are a MOBOTIX user and would like to know more, call us and we will connect you with a MOBOTIX Integrator that uses MxMSP™ and can give you and your team secure access to all your cameras in a breeze.
Contact ABP sales and explain us your needs via calling 972) 831-1600 or email to sales@abptech.com with details.