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DrayTek News


Feature Spotlight - High Availability

DrayTek routers are well known for their Multi-WAN redundancy feature set that can combine services such as DSL, Cable, Fiber and LTE. But for environments where business continuity and zero downtime are crucial, WAN redundancy needs to be combined with Hardware Redundancy. Did you know that DrayTek routers support the High Availability feature on all their multi-WAN routers?

When High Availability is set up in the network, one of the routers acts as the master, while the other routers are set up as slaves that continuously sync their configuration with the master router. DrayTek uses the Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) which allows the master and slave routers to share a Virtual IP address. 

When the master router fails, either due to a loss of network connection, hardware or power failure, the slave router takes over all the routing functions and processes on the master router seamlessly, greatly simplifying disaster recovery.




Hardware Redundancy combined with Multi-WAN redundancy, Inbound DNS Load-Balancing and VPN trunking helps ensure business continuity for your critical applications.


We are excited to announce that starting from March, we will have several free webinars that explore in-depth topics such as wireless solutions, private cloud remote management, as well as a general overview of our 2015 solution line-up for all those new to DrayTek on your team.

Join us for the DrayTek Wireless Solutions Webinar next week, Tuesday March 3, 2015 at 11 AM CST.


In April, we are planning training events in Dallas, TX and Los Angeles, CA with visiting DrayTek engineer Henry Lo. Our intensive two-day workshops are a great opportunity augment your knowledge about installing and maintaining DrayTek infrastructure. Meet DrayTek engineers and learn how other IT professionals are using DrayTek solutions in their projects.

Sign up for our free workshops now as spots are limited!


We would love to hear how you are using DrayTek solutions in your projects. Send us your stories and network scenarios and we would give them a place of pride on our DrayTekUSA website.

In 2015, DrayTek continues to lead the way to bring you innovative solutions with great feature sets and no hidden costs! We are excited about all the awesome releases expected from DrayTek in the first half of 2015, including the much awaited 802.11ac WiFi models, Centralized Switch Management and many more. Needless to say, we will keep you updated with the latest DrayTek news.


By Mrunmayee Athawalé

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