IP Technology Distribution

Draytek attracted lots of attention at ITEXPO 2012

It is always fun to spend few days in Miami Beach. Like every year, ABPTECH exhibited at ITEXPO 2012. We got to enjoy Miami’s good food, weather and culture. ITEXPO is always a great venue to reconnect with our old customers, now friends, and meet many new ones and this year was not the exception. ABPTECH booth was well attended; I believe it is because we bring a mixture of solutions and always new exciting products. This year Draytek joined ABPTech’s booth. Draytek manufactures networking and Voip equipment with exceptional advantage in the market considering its unique features and excellent price. Draytek exhibited advanced CPE solutions for Managed Service Providers and Integrators.

The Vigor 2920n and recently launched VigorFly210 were some of the products that caught more attention among visitors. Considering that ITExpo is mostly focused in Voip, many attendees liked some of the unique features offered by Draytek routers that can greatly help in any VOIP implementation. Quality of Service, Redundant Internet and Bandwidth Control are supported in both the Vigor 2920n and VigorFly 210. Based on the attention and interest among the public we anticipate those two models will become best sellers.

Few integrators even mentioned that with Draytek's multi-Wan options they can easily become Managed Service Providers and that reselling Web Content Filtering as a service subscription model would allow them to cash in great deal of recurring revenue. A lot of ideas and applications floated around Draytek table.
We are pleased to have partnered with Draytek and are looking forward to exhibit in other shows together.

Henry Castillo
ABPTech Technical Director

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