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Billing for Service Providers

Cyneric's fully integrated billing solution platform will delight you.  With our extensive telecom experience we have developed a billing and client management platform that will more then meet your needs.  Cyneric has a customer in mind every step of the way.  From our user friendly interface to our fully adoptable and  easily inegrated server side software we are here to take your business to the next level.  If you have Voip Billing and Network administration needs we are your partner!!!!  Visit us at

The D-TAC VCS Billing and Routing Servers put you in control of your VoIP networks. Centralizing the provisioning, routing and billing processes with a simple interface. With the web based Voiceover Control Site you can monitor your system activity from anywhere.

Based on the D-TAC RADIUS Server Array you can run Wholesale Routes, a Calling Card business or operate a complete Calling Card Platform and network for other companies, D-TAC has the scalability to meet your needs. Monthly Leasing and Flexible financing options. www.d-tac.com

IVR Technologies, Inc.
555 West Fifth Street
30 th Floor
Los Angeles , CA 90013
Tel: +1 866.856.0301
Fax: +1 866.856.0302

IVR Technologies is an advanced software development company emerging as a leader in the SIP space for Voice over IP enhanced services and real-time billing.

Our flagship product Talking SIP, is one of the only software-only IVR platforms which integrates provider differentiating enhanced services with integrated real-time billing. Talking SIP ships standard with a complete suite of service offerings including prepaid/postpaid calling cards, 800/900 termination, tandem switching and voucher recharge. More on IVR with snom4S
Visit us on the web at www.ivr.com

The above products or services have been tested either by ABP or by the vendor for basic interoperability with ABP’s main products; however neither ABP nor the vendors featured make any claims or representation on usability or interoperability. Please check vendor certifications and contact ABP and vendors sales representatives for more details and to discuss your application.

The partner information on this page is for reference only and is meant to be informative as a first step in your own research of the products.