IP Technology Distribution

Traffic Monitoring - SecurOS Traffic from ISS

SecurOS TRAFFIC is a Video Analytics Module for ISS SecurOS and provides Traffic Incident Detection, and real time Traffic Flow Metrics & statistical analysis. SecurOS Traffic Monitoring can integrate with third party traffic management and smart roadway systems and hosts a feature rich product scope itself. The system can be used for incident detection or for statistical metrics of a roadway. From accidents, to vehicles traveling too slow or too fast or in the wrong direction, to objects on a roadway, to insufficient gaps in traffic, the system can immediately alarm and provide complex reaction management. Additionally the system can track statistical information on a smart roadway such as average speed, vehicle counts, and density computations to create extremely robust statistical reports.

A key feature of the SecurOS TRAFFIC Traffic Monitoring is the need for no hardware detectors on the roadway. Simple place cameras with the field of view of the roadway, and the create software based vehicle "detectors" within the SecurOS system itself. This reduces implementation and maintenance costs and provides for a more reliable and accurate deployment of traffic monitoring.

System Uses:
• Controlled Access Roadways (expressways, freeways, etc)
• Urban Traffic Monitoring and Management
• Enterprise Driveways and Transit Hubs (plant entrances, airport access roads)
• Bus Lanes and other specific roadways
• HOV and HOT lane management


traffic monitoring GUI - manage and monitor multiple lanes of traffic, alarm for incident detection, vehicle speed, and also gather statistical traffic information

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