IP Technology Distribution

Mobotix - Long-term, high-performance Terabyte recording included


The MOBOTIX storage concept is so simple, yet so unique that it never ceases to amaze. Most users can grasp the fact that the camera stores the images or video internally in a 64 MB ring buffer; however, what they often fail to realize is that the camera exports this ring buffer to the hard drive on a PC via the network and enlarges it to a terabyte in size.
The entire ring buffer data is managed by the software inside the actual MOBOTIX camera, not by the PC. The PC requires neither an FTP nor any other software for that matter; all it takes is a standard Windows or Linux server operating system. Combined with large server systems and RAID disks, this renders the storage capacity and reliability to virtually limitless, and all is achieved using inexpensive, standard IT components.

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