IP Technology Distribution

Altai Base Stations were deployed to provide WiFi infrastructure in NY Central Park

Want the Web wherever, whenever? The same wireless networking that is invading homes and offices is now public, with thousands of so-called hot spots throughout the world. All you need is a notebook or other device with Wi-Fi, and you can get high-speed access at cafes, airports, hotels, parks, almost everywhere.

Of the estimated 150 million laptops, 14 million PDAs, and other emerging Wi-Fi devices sold per year for the last few years, most include the Wi-Fi feature. A global work-life survey commissioned to gauge the work habits of today's professionals, given the adoption of technology that continues to radically change the way society works, found that in fact, 85% of respondents say today's technology compels them to be connected to work matters 24/7, to the point that 87% bring their PDA into their bedroom, 85% peek at e-mail in the middle of the night and 80% check their PDA first thing in the morning, before their first cup of coffee. No surprise then that 81% said new technology forces then to work more now than five years ago, but on the flip side, nearly the same number (84%) reveal this technology allows them to spend more time out of the office and provides more quality time and flexibility with family and friends. Moreover, 79% concur that PDAs and cell phones enable them to be just as productive outside the office as inside.

Recognizing that today's most successful professionals are no longer tied to an office, and can seamlessly maintain productivity while working remotely, Sheraton Hotels announced that it will sponsor free Wi-Fi service in Central Park's through September 30 and during summer 2009. For this reason, on Monday, September 15th, the first annual Global Out of Office Day (G.O.O.D.) was held in Central Park near the Sheep Meadow. The event was part of a global promotion of Link@Sheraton a new amenity being roll out for Sheraton hotels around the world. Four (4) Altai A8 Base Stations were deployed in the park to support more than 600 users of Sheraton who took the day to work in the park via Wi-Fi.

Watch the video of the event at G.O.O.D

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